
这global semiconductor market is expected to reach close to $500 Billion USD in 2019 alone. Semiconductors are the critical link between the real and the digital world; they sense, compute, and actuate to support electronics in virtually every vertical.



  • 云和数据中心应用程序中的繁荣以及该领域的顶级名称(例如亚马逊和Google)现在正在设计自己的芯片
  • 消费者技术的重点和增加自动化正在重新定义汽车空间;汽车正在成为车轮上的手机,消费者对更多功能的需求正在对现代汽车行业的各个方面产生重大影响
  • 消费者物联网的出现:北美房屋平均有13个连接的设备。随着我们继续采用连接和“智能”解决方案,这个数字将继续增加
  • Mobile and wireless have, of course, driven growth in the last decade to decade-and-a-half, and there are no signs of a slow-down here. While consumers have not readily adopted the more expensive, full-featured flagship phones, there is rapid expansion in middle-market phones.
  • 在市场份额方面,记忆是最强大的半导体行业类别,主要是由于两个主要因素:由于记忆变得更加先进,因此产生的记忆更加昂贵,并且对此有更大的需求。2017年,当记忆技术从2d NAND转移到3D NAND时,需求远远超过了可用性,从而导致价格上涨。现在,3D NAND继续发展,有6位主要参与者已发布或计划即将发布9倍层NAND解决方案。

TechInsightshas been analyzing devices and providing semiconductor insights for thirty years and using our findings to support our competitive technical intelligence and intellectual property clients.