
Galaxy S22 Ultra具有最新,最出色的高通MMWave,但在欧洲没有



The Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra may have the bleeding edge of RF technology in handsets to date, but unfortunately it appears Europeans will go another year with a Samsung sub-6 flagship. While all major operators offer 5G mm-Wave in the US, Europe has been slower to adopt the new standard with spectrum continuing to be allocated amongst the carriers and trickled into use. It was thought Qualcomm’s new AiP signaled a change for FR2 application in Europe, but as the French expression goes “c’est la vie". Roughly one year ago we wrote a blog highlighting Qualcomm extending their mm-Wave lead globally and it took over 12 months to find the fabled mmWave RF Transceiver, and now that we have it, we are expecting a big evolution.

Qualcomm mmWave AiP

图1.在三星Galaxy S22 Ultra中发现的Qualcomm MMWave AIP。

TechInsights已经开始分析包装中的Qualcomm QTM545天线andRF收发器在三星旗舰店的美国变种中发现。高通宣传此AIP,并支持24.25-27.5,26.5-29.5 GHz,27.5-28.35 GHz,37-40 GHz,39.5-43.5 GHz MMWAVE SPECTRUM。除了最新的QTM,我们还找到了第二个MMWAVE RF收发器从高通的继任者到SMR526

在Apac变体中,三星的最高端手机还使用Qualcomm AIP和RF收发器,而欧洲用户将与三星的香农5520低6收发器。TechInsights处于5520的仓库阶段,现在是三星RFIC家族的一部分,拥有FR2三星RF收发器在Google Pixel 6中启动。

Samsung FR2 RF Transceiver

图2. Google Pixel 6中发现的Murata包装的三星FR2 RF收发器。

至少,所有的死亡和航或者处理r lab for an architecture level circuit extraction that reveals the latest innovation competing for slots in an expanding mmWave global market. Qualcomm’s previous mmWave AiPs,QTM525andQTM535,,,,were released one year apart and represented significant changes particularly in the antenna structures, meanwhile Samsung only entered the mm-Wave handset market Q4 2021 so the pace of their innovation is to be determined. How has theQTM545 AIP进化?

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TechInsights很乐意将谣言放在休息:我们的快速拆除已经确认了这一点 - 此手机的关键区域中有很多三星组件!


