苹果的第一个GaN Charger

Apple's First GaN Charger

斯蒂芬·罗素(Stephen Russell)

斯蒂芬·罗素(Stephen Russell)


几年来,它已经被广泛传闻和预期了,但是我们终于看到苹果公司改用了使用氮化碳(GAN)作为其一种充电产品的电源晶体管。新的16英寸MacBook Pro的140 W充电器。与过去的许多创新一样,苹果可能不是第一个,但是当他们采用技术时,人们会引起人们的注意!

At TechInsights we have been tracking GaN in USB chargers over the last few years. We originally saw third party aftermarket vendors adopt GaN in their products such as Aukey, RavPower and Hyper Juice with powers ranging from 24 – 100 W. Over the last year however we have begun to see tier one vendors include GaN in-box with both phones and laptops such as Dell, LG and Lenovo.

Apple's First GaN Charger


This is clearly a fantastic design win for GaN Systems. This is a product that was already gaining significant traction within the market. We additionally found the same die from within this product present within ST Microlectronics’ ‘MasterGaN 1’ integrated power stage.


  • 基于半桥拓扑的数据中心SMP,包括图腾极PFC
  • 轻型工业产品,例如电动机驱动器
  • Renewable energy e.g. solar inverters
  • 汽车,例如车载充电器(OBC)
  • D类音频放大器

Techinsightshas Analysis Planned for This Device and Cutting-Edge GaN Technology. Stay informed on all of our latest findings…

苹果140 W GAN 140 W GAN充电器的早期图像

在我们对Apple 140 W GAN充电器的初步分析中,我们发现了两个GAN Systems Hemt产品-GS-065-011-1L如图1中的红色突出显示。

140 W充电器中的GAN Systems GS-065-011-1L

图1. 140 W充电器中的GAN Systems GS-065-011-1L

Preliminary Analysis and Product Specifications

苹果为什么现在决定现在搬家,为什么要搬家?它通常在60 w的功率水平上被接受,真正可以看到GAN的好处,并且与常规硅产品相比,它开始具有明显的优势。这不是一个严格的规则,我们在充电器中看到SI最多100 w(假定苹果96 W充电器仍然使用Si),我们也看到充电器中的GAN在充电器中低至24W。是成本与效率,尺寸和权重折衷的成本。


Although not first to market in its use of GaN Apple are among the first to use the new USB power delivery 3.1 standard (USB PD 3.1). What is this and why does it matter?

  • USB1.0 was the original standard that allowed power transfer over a USB cable up to 100 W at specific voltages/currents and hence power profiles.
  • USB2.0 required USB-C connectors. It allowed multiple voltages and currents giving a continuum of supported power profiles from 0.5 W to 100 W
  • USB 3.0利用了高级USB-C功能,例如角色交换,可以在任何方向上传输电源,例如远离电话/笔记本电脑以及它而无需更改电缆/端口。
  • USB3.1 allows higher voltages (28 V, 36 V and 48 V) providing maximum power of 240 W.

USB PD 3.1的使用允许此充电器中存在大量功率。


  • 140W USB-C电源适配器(Apple Website)2021。
  • GAN Systems GS-065-011-1-L 650 V增强模式GAN晶体管功率平面图分析(PFR-2011-801)TechInsights,2021年。
  • stmicroelectronics mastergan1 600 V半桥驱动器,带有两个电子模式GAN EMT POWER ESSECTER摘要(PEF-2010-801)TechInsights,2021年。


